2022. “Placing Caste: Spatialization, Urban Segregation, and Musical Boundary-Making”. Social Forces.
2021. “Spaces at Risk: Urban Politics and Slum Relocation in Chennai” in eds. Jacob A.C. Remes, Andy Horowitz. Critical Disaster Studies. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 97-115.
2021. “City Music: A Reprise” Contexts 20(1): 63-64.
2021. (co-authored with Joshua Babcock)“Legacies and Remnants of the Chicago School: Lineage-Making and Interdisciplinary Urban Research at the University of Chicago” in eds. Anthony M. Orum et al. Companion to Urban and Regional Studies, First Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. 172-191.
2019. “A Recipe for Disaster: Framing risk and vulnerability in slum relocation policies in Chennai, India”. City and Community 18(4): 1314-1337.
2019. “Notes from the Field: Cultural Distances, Boundaries, and Urban Ethnography”. Sectors, Newsletter of Sociology of Development 6(2): 28.
2019. “The Other City” in Postscript, Economic and Political Weekly 55(4): 63-64.
2019. “Anatomy of a Protest” in Postscript, Economic and Political Weekly 54(51): 61-62.
Notes on Notes, a monthly playlist exchange (2020-21)
How I Went On the Internet and Got Lanked Up In a Music Lovers’ Cult Community, Lanky Bastards Music Blog, April 27th, 2020.
Disaster, Dystopia, and Disphony, Anthrodendum Blog, June 5th, 2020.
Writing on the Wall, Rachel Tanur Memorial Visual Sociology Prize (second prize), 2020.
Brahmins are the new Jews of India? Here’s why that’s utterly wrong co-authored with Liza Weinstein, Scroll.in, November 27, 2018.